Why subscribe?

My goal is to help people build a way out of “servitude”. I view fiat money, taxes, and governments as the greatest threat to personal freedom and want to present opportunities to my readers to think of how they can escape this reality. I also want to track my own journey through this process, the struggles, and the tricks that I will implement to achieve my own goal. This journey started with investing a small investment portfolio in Uranium/Oil and Gas/battery metals/commodities as I believe they represent, currently, on a risk-adjusted basis, one of the best trades for the next 10 years.

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The author of this newsletter is not a registered investment advisor. This newsletter is intended only for informational, educational, and research purposes only. It is not investment advice and it is not individualized or personalized to meet your specific situation. Its content should not be construed as personal investment advice. The information, facts, figures, data, and analysis included in this newsletter are believed to be accurate, reliable, and credible but nothing has been verified for its accuracy and certainty. The newsletter does not, nor could it; take into account the needs, objectives, and financial situation of its subscribers. This newsletter may contain certain forward-looking statements that are subject to risks, uncertainties, and factors that can cause results and outcomes to differ materially from those discussed herein. You should consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any financial decisions. You should consult with an advisor to determine what is and what is not suitable for your own financial situation. By signing up for this newsletter, you acknowledge, submit, and adhere to this disclaimer and accept the liabilities incurred from your own decisions, while using this information and analysis at your own risk. Maxime Clermont or his family may or may not own shares in the investments and companies discussed

Subscribe to The Road Out Of Serfdom

Finding your way out of the road to serfdom


Economics, Investments, Macro, Financial independence